$7m funding for collaborative research projects
12 December 2022 | Read time: 4 minutes

The SfTI board has announced the successful projects for its latest round of funding. During 2022 our Spearhead projects were invited to propose research projects that have germinated out of their work of the past few years. A feature of these projects is that they include strong collaboration with industry and sector partners, and where possible further SfTI’s commitment to vision mātauranga.
In total $7million has been awarded. The projects span disruptive medical technology for diabetes care, 6G-enabling antennas, world-leading forestry robotics, immersive virtual wānanga, and hi-tech aquaculture tools.
In selecting the successful proposals, Board co-chair Linda Cooper said SfTI was proud to see potential outcomes which were meaningful for New Zealanders’ lives.
“As the National Science Challenges are all drawing to a close in June 2024, it’s vital that every drop of potential impact from our research is delivered, that’s why we’ve been describing these projects as our ‘Ending with Impact’ research or EWIPs.
“As the National Science Challenges are all drawing to a close in June 2024, it’s vital that every drop of potential impact from our research is delivered, that’s why we’ve been describing these projects as our ‘Ending with Impact’ research or EWIPS.
“The board was impressed with the funding pitches from all of the teams, and although we were unable to select every idea this time, it’s clear there’s no shortage of smart and innovative thinking out there in our SfTI community.”
Board co-chair Te Taka Keegan (Waikato-Maniapoto, Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Whakaaue) said around 70 people will receive funding through the EWIPs.
“We are delighted that among them emerging researchers are strongly represented, and there’s also been a concerted effort wherever available to bring Māori and women researchers onto the teams.”
Find out more about the successful projects below.
Our 'ending with impact' research projects