The Science for Technological Innovation National Science Challenge
He hiringa hangarau, he oranga tangata
Innovation in technology for the benefit of people
The Science for Technological Innovation National Science Challenge (SfTI) is a 10-year science investment (2014-2024) with a mission to enhance the capacity of Aotearoa-New Zealand to use physical sciences and engineering for economic growth and prosperity. SfTI came to an end in June 2024. In this short documentary, Connect for innovation, we explore its contribution to the innovation system in Aotearoa. You can also read our legacy reports here.

Spherelose: A more sustainable way to mix oil and water
Surfactants are materials that can sit at the interface between oil and water, allowing these two very different liquids to mix. This simple property has placed them at the centre of a US$45 billion a year global industry, which includes cleaning products, cosmetics, personal care, plastics, food & beverage, and agricultural chemicals.

Would you like to be more media Savvy?
Looking for media training? The SMC offers highly-acclaimed workshops and talks created for all scientists and researchers. Plus a Media SAVVY for Māori researchers, supporting kaupapa Māori.

Video Storytelling Workshop with Baz Caitcheon
Following very positive feedback from our 2021 video storytelling workshop with Baz Caitcheon, SfTI offered our researchers another opportunity in Oct 2023 to learn how to communicate their science to the world quickly and easily with their smartphone. Find out more and watch their creations.
Interested in doing this workshop? Please contact Kirsty.

All of Researchers' Workshop 2023
Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua - Looking backward towards the future - November 14-16 - Novotel Hotel and Te Puia, Rotorua - The SfTI Programme Office, Board and Leadership Team, would like to extend our sincere gratitude for your participation in the final SfTI All of Researchers’ Workshop in Rotorua. You can access all the photos and some panel session recordings from the workshop on our Professional Development page.