What does the ideal future for Māori data look like?
20 February 2020 | Read time: 3 minutes

SfTI has completed a comprehensive report on the second Māori Data Futures Hui held in Te Aurere in March 2019. This hui is part of a series of hui which started in 2018, exploring key questions relating to Māori data and how we protect and use this taonga. Co-hosted by SfTI, the Data Iwi Leaders Group, and Te Hiku Media.
Hui reports
The two hui are important contributions to a national kōrero on Māori Data Sovereignty. We hope these reports will be a national resource for others working to ensure data practices assist Māori in achieving their aspirations. The reports from each hui include ideas that were discussed from a diverse number of perspectives, including Māori community representatives, data practitioners, legal experts, and rangatahi.
About the Māori Data Futures Hui Series
Māori Data Futures Hui 2019, Te Aurere
The initial hui in 2018 provided the springboard from which the second hui launched discussions on the mechanisms of protection for Māori data and knowledge as intellectual property (IP).
The 2019 hui was held in the Far North at the home and invitation of the late Tā Hekenukumai Puhipi (Sir Hector Busby), an internationally recognised world leader in traditional navigation, Māori astronomical knowledge and waka building.
SfTI’s Manager Vision Mātauranga & Capacity Development Dr Willy-John Martin highlighted how the location really enhanced the hui.
“It was particularly special that we had the privilege of Tā Hekenukumai Puhipi looking after us at the hui. He kōtuku rerenga tahi - e rere rā, e te Rangatira.”
Learn more about the hui’s location and attendees in this news story
Māori Data Futures Hui 2018, Wellington
What are the key issues and challenges in a mātauranga Māori data landscape? How do we ensure appropriate tikanga around digital guardianship, data sovereignty, data security, and respectful use?
These were some of the questions discussed at the first hui held on 9 May 2018 at Te Herenga Waka marae, co-hosted with the Victoria University of Wellington. Attendees explored what an empowered future for Māori and Data could look like.