ECR Bolt-On: Remote controlled smart sponge for precision plant care

Developments from a SfTI funded project on shape-shifting antennae will be adapted to monitor plants in this “bolt on” project led by Heiana Agnieray (Tahitian), a PhD student from the University of Auckland, who is also employed as a Research Officer at Auckland University of Technology. SfTI’s “bolt on” projects are designed to give early career researchers an opportunity to develop themselves as research leaders while focussing on a key area that complements one of SfTI’s larger projects. 

The idea of a material changing its shape without being pushed, nudged or turned  comes from 3D printing. The point-by- point processing allows control over a material’s composition and internal structures and the embedding of external devices. Controlling these factors can give a material shape-shifting attributes. These kinds of technologies are often called 4D printing because you have a 3D shape that changes over time (Einstein’s fourth dimension).

OrchidOrchids are one of the largest plant families. They are often expensive as they are used for a wide range of ornamental, medicinal and dietary purposes. They are also notoriously difficult to keep alive as they are easily damaged by over and under watering along with changes in air or soil conditions.

To address water maintenance for orchids, the project will build a prototype of an innovative shape-shifting moisture-sensing device for potted plants. This device – called the TENTAsense-01 precision watering device – will continuously monitor the healthy growth and wellbeing of potted plants. The aim is to create a piece of technology that is cheap, and easy to use.

“It’s a simple, shape-shifting conditioning monitoring device with a remote-controlled sponge that users will be able to programme to either provide or extract water in the pot,” said Heiana.

“It’s a simple, shape-shifting conditioning monitoring device with a remote-controlled sponge that users will be able to programme to either provide or extract water in the pot,” said Heiana.

The aim is to have the device unfold within the pot. Sensors on each antenna would then expand and sense the moisture level of the surrounding soil. Measurements by the sensors would be automated to send readings and alerts to an external tool such as a computer or smartphone, allowing remote monitoring and control of the condition of the plant.

“We expect this project to be positive economically, environmentally, and socially because it will make water use more efficient, educate people and organisations about plant care, and allow peace of mind about the health of your plant via remote control,” said Heiana. 

“We expect this project to be positive economically, environmentally, and socially because it will make water use more efficient, educate people and organisations about plant care, and allow peace of mind about the health of your plant via remote control,” said Heiana.

This project could also lead to the development of a multi-functional device with sensors that are adapted to detect soil pathogens. The pathogen selected in this case is Phytophthora, which infects a large range of plant species worldwide, including vanilla-producing orchids in French Polynesia.

If the device is successful in both watering and pathogen detection, orchid nurseries, vendors, and re-sellers are likely to buy such systems in large job lots. 

Alongside capacity building and training for the early career researcher, the project has a long-term vision to expand the capability of the product to detect other important  soil pathogens, for example, that which causes Kauri dieback. 

Professor Sarat Singamneni and Dr Yifan Lv at AUT, Dr Steve A Wakelin at SCION and Dr Ciaran Moore of the University of Canterbury are mentors. The knowledge base for this project was formed by developments from this ‘Ending with Impact Project’ by SfTI and the Industry 4.0 initiatives ofthe New Zealand Product Accelerator. 

This project is funded for $180,000 to 2024.